However, this advice is best taken more as a suggestion than an obligation. As with your tone of voice and brand, you'll want to tailor your posts to your particular customers. You may have a specific demographic with schedules that are different than the typical 9-5; a teenager who is in full-time school is likely to be online at different times than their parent who works from home.
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The early bird catches the worm: reach your audience early in the day
Because we have less energy and focus at night, we're more likely to retweet what we see, social media experts say. So it may be worth taking a risk and experimenting with late-night messaging. Who knows, maybe retweets will show that it's a better time to post.
If you follow people who follow you, you can use their own timeline to see how to react. The famous 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do'. If your Twitter feed goes quiet in the evenings, assume that your customer base turns off their devices at night and prefers to use social media during the day.
Another factor to consider before you start scheduling tweets is to consider when people are most alert, receptive, and ready to interact. Research suggests that we are more optimistic and positive after sleep, and less likely to tweet something negative. At night, however, we are more likely to be guided by our emotions.
Our body temperature starts to rise just before we wake up in the morning, and continues to rise until the afternoon. That's when we're most active, alert, and our concentration is at its peak. So, if you want someone to handle your announcement about a new product, keep that in mind.
That's why it's much more effective to be specific
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